Collection Inversion

INVER­SION is a new col­lec­tion of upscale fur­ni­ture designed by Stu­dio MHNA for DEC­CA HOME. It is a col­lec­tion that reflects the true French spir­it. It is com­prised of rec­ol­lec­tions of clas­si­cal sil­hou­ettes to which we wished to bring a con­tem­po­rary twist in the way it is fash­ioned. Fol­low­ing the great tra­di­tion of cab­i­net­mak­ing in France, the fur­ni­ture is dressed in fine mate­ri­als that high­light the plac­ing of the veneers, the beau­ty of its form: rolled out wengé, tra­di­tion­al lac­quer, brushed brass, etc. With straight and curved con­tours, mas­cu­line and fem­i­nine, in light or dark vari­a­tions; the pieces com­ple­ment each oth­er as mem­bers of a large fam­i­ly in a ren­di­tion of tables and con­soles, mul­ti­func­tion­al fur­ni­ture, side­boards and a vari­ety of seats. The col­lec­tion rein­vents a genre: fur­ni­ture of char­ac­ter, sim­ple in appear­ance that despite its lack of super­flu­ous frills is far from hav­ing a min­i­mal­ist design… in real­i­ty: fur­ni­ture that is easy to live with, con­tem­po­rary and adorned with a very Parisian elegance.

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