The Studio

Marc Hertrich & Nicolas Adnet

Inte­ri­or design is our pas­sion. It is the art of join­ing aes­thet­ics and func­tion­al­i­ty, tech­nique and poet­ry, in order to cre­ate a place that is outstanding.”

Over the years, Marc Her­trich & Nico­las Adnet, along with their team, have pur­sued a par­tic­u­lar idea of ele­gance and a cer­tain French style. From the very begin­ning, this Parisian stu­dio for inte­ri­or design and dec­o­ra­tion has been imag­in­ing, con­ceiv­ing, and devel­op­ing projects with high­ly per­son­alised cre­ative atmos­pheres. And at the core of all these projects have been two notions: sophis­ti­ca­tion and luxury.

Five gen­er­a­tions of cab­i­net­mak­ers lead Marc Her­trich to the study of illus­tra­tion and wood­work at the Stras­bourg school of Dec­o­ra­tive Arts. Lat­er, after obtain­ing a diplo­ma from the famous École Boulle in Paris, he joined the firm of renowned archi­tect Michel Boy­er, who put him to work on the Hôtel Richemond in Gene­va. This would be his first con­tract: a won­der­ful mem­o­ry that would launch my career.” For five years, he worked there and explored the world of Palaces and Lux­u­ry. There, the young archi­tect would dis­cov­er a whole new mean­ing to the word extra­or­di­nary’. The next few years would find him trav­el­ling to cap­i­tal cities around the world, main­ly for high jew­ellery projects.

After all his trav­els, he decid­ed to set­tle down for a moment in Paris. And so he met Nico­las Adnet, a self-taught fash­ion fanat­ic who was work­ing at the time for Lan­vin. This would mark the meld­ing of two incred­i­ble char­ac­ters, two dif­fer­ent per­son­al­i­ties that shared the same desire to infuse every­day life with beau­ty. Nico­las worked in the spheres of high fash­ion, admired Mon­tana, and the work of Yves St Lau­rent, the absolute mas­ter and incar­na­tion of ele­gance, respect and imper­ti­nence, colour and style.”

The two design­ers were quick to recog­nise a grow­ing syn­er­gy between them. They start­ed to put togeth­er large-scale hotel projects all around the world. Since then, they have per­son­alised their cre­ations using the cul­ture, past, and tra­di­tions found local­ly at the site of each project, as well as the unequalled tal­ent of artists and arti­sans, the true cre­ative part­ners of the two designers.

From day one, the duo’s goal has been clear and con­stant: to adorn the func­tion­al with poet­ry and to cre­ate a sig­na­ture French style, adapt­able and recognisable.”

The Stu­dio MHNA is an inter­na­tion­al actor on the inte­ri­or design scene, full of enthu­si­asm and end­less pro­duc­tion capa­bil­i­ties, and though some of their projects have remained pur­pose­ful­ly con­fi­den­tial, oth­ers are hailed as the jew­els of the glob­al Hotel indus­try, as well as in oth­er domains such as restau­rants, life-style, and trav­el… all inno­v­a­tive cre­ations that have built the studio’s rep­u­ta­tion and success.

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