Des Univers Inspirés

Des Univers Inspirés”, a book ded­i­cat­ed to the Stu­dio Marc Her­trich & Nico­las Adnet pub­lished by the Edi­tions Fonds de France. The author presents the world of Marc & Nico­las in the spir­it of a trav­el diary through their projects where per­son­al pho­tographs, draw­ings and mul­ti­ple sources of inspi­ra­tions min­gle. It is a jour­ney nour­ished by dis­cov­ery, curios­i­ty and enriched with their imag­i­na­tion, punc­tu­at­ed by lux­u­ry, ele­gance, fan­ta­sy and dreams. A dif­fer­ent vision to cov­er over 25 years of cre­ations and Inspired Uni­vers­es” in inte­ri­or archi­tec­ture, devel­oped every day with the Stu­dio MHNA team. Click here to order the book

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