
Inspired by the Latin word Nidum which means nest’, Marc Her­trich and Nico­las Adnet have imag­ined a space for one­self or sev­er­al, where it would be pos­si­ble, accord­ing to his desires, of work­ing, study­ing, din­ing, play­ing, read­ing…. The new lux­u­ry being the space, Nidum allows to appro­pri­ate it, to iso­late itself almost as a shel­ter just to one­self or on the con­trary to find itself more inti­mate­ly at two or four peo­ple. The seat­ing is delib­er­ate­ly large, gen­er­ous and wel­com­ing. Sev­er­al fin­ish­es are imag­ined to make this cocoon chic or casu­al accord­ing to its tastes.

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