
Nice, France

Cre­at­ed on the fringe of the ren­o­va­tion of the Hol­i­day Inn hotel in Nice entrust­ed to the Stu­dio MHNA in 2019, this restau­rant with its colour­ful atmos­phere res­onates with the colours of the dish­es cooked there as in an authen­tic fam­i­ly trat­to­ria. The right bal­ance between pop-cul­ture, folk­lore and the warmth of a tra­di­tion­al inn. The Nice artist Flo­rence Can­tié-Kramer brings a touch of sen­su­al­i­ty to the restau­rant with her inter­ven­tion on the walls of the restau­rant, red let­ters on lips.

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