Miamici delle Alpi

Annecy, France

After Miami­ci Nice, Stu­dio MHNA has opened a sec­ond chap­ter by design­ing the décor of the new Ital­ian restau­rant Miami­ci Delle Alpi in Annecy. The spir­it of the trat­to­ria charms the Venice of the Alps with its uni­verse full of joie de vivre” and col­or­ful notes and its sur­face area of 325 sq​.mt. plus a ter­race of 186 sq​.mt. Cof­fee break, tast­ing at the bar, relax­ing din­ner on a bench, the lay­out adapts to many uses, and in par­tic­u­lar to a clien­tele of dig­i­tal nomads who will be able to work on the spot and exchange ideas on the plat­forms… cer­tain­ly inspired by the poet­ic words that the artist Flo­rence Can­tié-Kramer has placed, as in Nice, on a large brick wall!

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