
Paris, France

The idea behind the con­cept designed by Stu­dio MHNA for Bre­teuil Immo­bili­er was to rein­force an exist­ing and spe­cif­ic image of the Real Estate busi­ness, to cre­ate a new iden­ti­ty and a warmer, yet con­tem­po­rary design. We had to move away from a style that was some­times too tra­di­tion­al to embody a world of dis­tinc­tive val­ues, while main­tain­ing the right bal­ance between insti­tu­tion­al and mod­ern image. New façades were designed with ele­gant wood­works and clas­sic pan­els. The win­dow dis­plays them­selves have been enhanced with warm, refined brushed oak frames, high­light­ed with pati­nat­ed brass. There was a real desire to main­tain trans­paren­cy between the inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or to con­vey the idea of clar­i­ty and light­ness and con­tribute to a tru­ly high-qual­i­ty work­ing environment.

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