Club Med Guilin

Guangxi, China

Locat­ed in the Guangxi region, Guilin is the sec­ond Club Med vil­lage opened in Chi­na. It has a majes­tic nat­ur­al set­ting com­posed of numer­ous rocky peaks called drag­ons’ teeth”. Firm­ly root­ed in the local cul­ture, the dec­o­ra­tive con­cept devel­oped by the Stu­dio cel­e­brates the rich­ness of Chi­na and the eth­nic minori­ties in this region. Real lovers of con­tem­po­rary art, the own­ers of the venue have made it their open-air gallery and have exposed in the huge park a col­lec­tion of 150 mon­u­men­tal artworks.

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