Club Med Magna Marbella

Marbella, Espagne

In the heart of Andalu­sia, Stu­dio MHNA has designed the new Club Med Magna Mar­bel­la, bring­ing the Andalu­sian soul and its cul­tur­al mix to every cor­ner of the 4‑trident resort. Its eclec­tic and colour­ful style res­onates with the his­to­ry of this Span­ish land of char­ac­ter. For this new col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Club Med group, the tan­dem formed by Marc Her­trich and Nico­las Adnet express­es the orig­i­nal­i­ty and bold­ness of their colour­ful style on a grand scale. The rich­ness of the forms, the motifs and the artis­tic ref­er­ences give this vil­lage a pow­er­ful aesthetic. 

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