Club Med Sanya

Haïnan Island, China

Opened in April 2016, Club Med Sanya is the sec­ond vil­lage designed by Stu­dio MHNA in Chi­na. Locat­ed on Hainan Island on an excep­tion­al local­iza­tion that offers a seclud­ed beach, this resort is a trib­ute to nature ; it cel­e­brates the meet­ing of land and sea, in an atmos­phere bathed by the sun. When devel­op­ing this project, we want­ed it to be cre­ative, col­or­ful and full of life. It was han­dled in a very sea­side spir­it, chic and nat­ur­al, easy-going and com­fort­able. The entire project was designed bespoke for Club Med, man­u­fac­tured and pro­duced local­ly with man­u­fac­tures and very effi­cient craftsmen.

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