Constance Belle Mare Plage ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


In Mau­ri­tius, a com­plete ren­o­va­tion was orches­trat­ed at the Con­stance Belle Mare Plage, a his­toric set­ting prop­er­ty of the Con­stance Group. A con­cept that goes between tra­di­tion and charm­ing moder­ni­ty, among ele­gance and serene lux­u­ry. A black & white décor punc­tu­at­ed with the most bril­liant vari­ety of blues. An atmos­phere that unfolds from the recep­tion, through the var­i­ous restau­rants, up to the pres­i­den­tial suite of 800 sq. m.

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