Constance C Mauritius ★ ★ ★ ★

Ile Maurice

Stu­dio MHNA has once again demon­strat­ed its sen­si­tiv­i­ty and sin­gu­lar style in the lat­est project devel­oped by the Con­stance Hotels & Resorts group: C Mau­ri­tius. Locat­ed on the east coast of Mau­ri­tius, this new hotel con­cept is a true haven of peace sur­round­ed by heav­en­ly beach­es like no oth­er. The Con­stance Group has entrust­ed Marc Her­trich and Nico­las Adnet with the task of design­ing a décor that respects the island’s cul­tur­al iden­ti­ty and reflects the rich local her­itage. The col­lab­o­ra­tion with archi­tect Marie-Ange Kre­it­man, a native of the island, has also helped to breathe the Mau­rit­ian soul into this dream hotel where time seems to stand still…

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