Hotel Negresco ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Nice, France

Negresco is undoubt­ed­ly dis­tin­guished by the rich­ness of its col­lec­tions of antiques, works of art, clas­si­cal or mod­ern, as well as by its atyp­i­cal and lux­u­ri­ous dec­o­ra­tion. The restau­rant La Rotonde, orig­i­nal­ly inspired by the fair­ground world and the carousels, has been giv­en a new lease of life after a total ren­o­va­tion in May 2019. The func­tion­al and oper­a­tional aspect has been redesigned for guests’ com­fort and the ser­vice as well. The spir­it of the place was also to bring a new mag­ic, open it visu­al­ly to the sea and give it a dream­like fresh­ness. Two years ear­li­er, the cre­ation of the new gue­strooms installed in the Riv­o­li wing was also entrust­ed to Stu­dio MHNA. The very colour­ful atmos­pheres cre­ate a sur­prise, and the works signed by French fac­to­ries labelled Entre­prise du Pat­ri­moine Vivant” per­pet­u­ate the char­ac­ter and high qual­i­ty atmos­pheres that sym­bol­ise this establishment.

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