Sofitel Frankfurt Opera ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Frankfurt, Germany

This venue was inspired by the icon­ic French Hôtels Par­ti­c­uliers, like a palace for hedo­nism in Goethe’s city. The pas­sion for art is ubiq­ui­tous, selec­tive, humor­ous and eclec­tic, which has become the hall­mark of this hotel. The atmos­phere is one of mod­ern clas­si­cism, an impec­ca­ble bal­anc­ing act between styles that cre­ates an envi­ron­ment where one imme­di­ate­ly feels at home in a pri­vate but live­ly space. Stu­dio MHNA strove to cre­ate the hotel’s décor in a spir­it of haute cou­ture and cre­ate a gen­uine col­lec­tion by going to undis­closed loca­tions, art gal­leries and antique deal­ers. This hotel stands out from the oth­ers thanks to its charm, time­less qual­i­ties and intre­pid­i­ty. The hotel is full of art works by pres­ti­gious artists such as Erwin Olaf, Travis Dur­den, André Duval and many oth­ers like the graf­fi­ti artist RBLZ.

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