Swiss Chocolate by Fassbind ★ ★ ★

Zurich, Suisse

Here is a gourmet hotel… a trib­ute to the famous Swiss choco­late. It is a new con­cept for Swiss Hotels by Fass­bind, in line with those that Stu­dio MHNA has devel­oped for same client at oth­er times, notably around wine (Swiss Wine in Lau­sanne), and oth­ers around moun­tain pas­tures (Swiss Night in Zurich and Lau­sanne). From the hotel entrance, through the reception/​breakfast area, the cor­ri­dors and into the rooms, the sto­ry tells the choco­late’s one and in par­tic­u­lar its man­u­fac­ture and trans­for­ma­tion in Switzer­land, mak­ing it famous through­out the world. The choco­late colour tones are used through­out the project, and there are many har­monies and nods to the theme.

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