Swiss Wine Hotel & Bar ★ ★ ★

Lausanne, Switzerland

This is a walk through the city of Lau­sanne that we sug­gest you. A com­plete change of scene in the mid­dle of the old town, in a for­mer hotel that we’ve just ren­o­vat­ed. The wel­com­ing takes place in the heart of the recep­tion that was turned into a bar. It cel­e­brates the deli­cious white wines of Lavaux. The whole was con­ceived and designed in the spir­it of a bou­tique-hotel, with lots of amuse­ment and cre­ativ­i­ty to turn it into a hotel, func­tion­al, easy going and very well equipped (sauna, ham­mam, fit­ness, break­fast room, bar, etc.)

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