Salon Paul Maxence - Haute Hospitalité

Roissy CDG airport, France

Paul Max­ence — Haute Hos­pi­tal­ité lounge is the result of a col­lab­o­ra­tion between the famous epony­mous Haute Concierg­erie com­pa­ny, its own­er the 3S Alyzia group and the Stu­dio MHNA. The vision of Paul Max­ence is to wel­come guests as opposed to clients, and to offer refined moments based on atten­tive, tai­lored-made and styl­ist ser­vices. Stu­dio MHNA has designed an unpar­al­leled visu­al brand iden­ti­ty and hence the 1st exclu­sive lounge at CGD Paris air­port Ter­mi­nal 2. The lounge sur­face, of 250 m² and a ter­race of 100 m², is the 1st one of a new brand, and of a long series of lounges. Sur­round­ed by warm liv­ing rooms and book­case, Stu­dio MHNA has cre­at­ed a bespoke yet wel­com­ing atmos­phere, where guests will be left with a gen­er­ous last Parisian mem­o­ry, just before tak­ing off. Unex­pect­ed in a tra­di­tion­al lounge air­port, Paul Max­ence lounge wel­come its guests in a Parisian aes­thete apart­ment, where style and unfore­seen notes are mixed with a dis­tin­guished ele­gance tinged with impertinence.

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