Loft in paris

Paris, France

This apart­ment reflects Marc and Nicolas’s world. It com­bines their trav­el mem­o­ries, favorites, thoughts, wish­es, their own fur­ni­ture designs, col­lec­tions, favorite col­ors, off-beat jux­ta­po­si­tions and pre­ferred com­bi­na­tions. It is a think fac­to­ry, always search­ing, try­ing, dar­ing, evolv­ing and trans­form­ing. It is their dai­ly life space where they can express their love for con­vivi­al­i­ty, wel­com­ing fam­i­lies and friends around beau­ti­ful tables. It is their Parisian shel­ter where they can rest and recharge, in between travels.

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