Villa en Suisse


It took Stu­dio MHNA three years of intense work to trans­form this authen­tic Swiss farm­house into a bucol­ic refuge for aes­thetes who love art and beau­ti­ful vin­tage cars. The col­lec­tor’s spir­it is evi­dent in every room of this vast res­i­dence, with no con­ces­sions made to liv­ing com­fort or con­vivi­al­i­ty. The var­ied choice of mate­ri­als, from wood­floor, mar­ble floors to the many tex­tile ele­ments that coex­ist with mas­ter­pieces by renowned design­ers and artists, is par­tic­u­lar­ly note­wor­thy. The base­ment, carved out of the rock, offers a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent spec­ta­cle. From the floor to the ceil­ing, from the sauna to the fit­ness room, every­thing has been tai­lor-made, start­ing with the car lift dec­o­rat­ed with a work by a famous Amer­i­can graf­fi­ti artist.

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