So Spa Frankfurt

Frankfurt, Germany

To design this lux­u­ry hotel, the Stu­dio MHNA strove to cre­ate the hotel’s décor in a spir­it of haute cou­ture. This hotel stands out from the oth­ers thanks to its charm, time­less qual­i­ties and intre­pid­i­ty. The spa was designed with a mod­ern spin on pri­vate ther­mal spas and pays homage to the famous and cel­e­brat­ed spa towns of the Out­ré-Rhin region. Mosa­ic, wood­en and paint­ed fres­coes give the feel­ing of being in a clas­sic Gre­co-Roman ther­mal bath but at the same time main­tains its 21st-cen­tu­ry con­tem­po­rary touch.

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