Equiphotel 2016

Paris, France

Invit­ed by Corinne Méné­gaux, direc­tor of Equipho­tel, the Stu­dio MHNA has cre­at­ed in 2016 the Bar, the VIP Lounge and the Resto des Chefs set up in the Stu­dio 16 area. Three spaces fol­lowed on from one anoth­er to pay trib­ute to the rich Ter­roirs de France and his very refined Art de Vivre.

Behind his work­shop glass win­dow, an off­beat clas­sic style show bar” was unveiled. Then, a suc­ces­sion of pri­vate alcoves were invit­ing to com­fort­able breaks in the VIP lounge. The Resto des Chefs was an ode to the à la française” gar­dens. From the for­est drawn on high sus­pend­ed cur­tains, appeared two majes­tic pieces of a giant chess­board: the Queen and the Cav­a­lier. The open kitchen and the huge cen­tral side table brought to the spot­light the tal­ent of great Chefs and the ser­vice trades, with the but­lers com­ing from the biggest hous­es and the stu­dents of the Fer­ran­di school.

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