Le Belvédère

Troyes, France

Le Belvédère is a con­tem­po­rary restau­rant that we want­ed very warm. It offers a capac­i­ty of 200 place set­tings indoors and 200 place set­tings on the ter­race. At the own­er’s request and in col­lab­o­ra­tion with L’Agence Tan­guy, the archi­tec­ture and inte­ri­or vol­umes were designed with gen­eros­i­ty and the­atri­cal­i­ty. Its immense glazed façade offers in per­spec­tive the ter­race, the lake and sur­round­ings and its charm­ing mari­na. The whole is designed in steps in order to offer the most beau­ti­ful view to each guest. The nests on the mez­za­nine are small pri­vate lounges. Brushed nat­ur­al oak, black­ened wood, pati­nat­ed cop­per, enam­elled lava, pol­ished stone, over­sized pho­tos reflect the sur­round­ing nature…

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