
Paris, France

Locat­ed a stone’s throw from the Arc de Tri­om­phe, Caïus restau­rant now offers a new sen­so­ry expe­ri­ence where décor and cui­sine are in uni­son. Like a com­mon thread, the culi­nary inspi­ra­tions of chef Jean-Marc Notelet, known as one of the ini­tia­tors of authen­tic and inven­tive Parisian bistron­o­my, guid­ed Stu­dio MHNA in its choice of atmos­pheres, mate­ri­als… The spices have become colours! Every­where the clas­sic wood­work décor has been turned upside down”. Paint­ed in a pewter grey shade, the pan­els were com­bined with white brick walls and indus­tri­al-style glass walls.

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